Policies & Reports
Keeping you up to date
ISI inspection reports
Following the whole school inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) during the week commencing Monday 19th November 2018, I have great pleasure in sharing our report.
In short, we are delighted to announce that Great Walstead achieved EXCELLENT, the highest possible grade in both academic achievements and personal development.
Below are the following documents for you to download
Administration of Medicines Policy
Admissions Policy
Allergy Anaphylaxis Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour Policy
Child Missing Education Policy
Child Protection Safeguarding and Welfare of Pupils Policy
Complaints Policy
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection Privacy Notices policy
EAL policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Fire Risk Prevention Policy
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Online Safety Policy for Staff and Pupils
Recruitment of Proprietors Governors Trustees and Volunteers Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
RSE Policy
SEND policy
Supervision Policy
Note: The ‘EYFS Behaviour Policy’, ‘Child Protection, Safeguarding & the Welfare of Pupils Policy’ and ‘Administration of Medicines Policy’ can be found within the respective ‘Whole School’ policies section.
This section contains links to our privacy notices which include details about how we collect, manage, store and protect data, and explain the types of data that we hold and how we use data.