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Years 7 & 8

Years 7 and 8 are a very special time for students at Great Walstead School.

Pupils are right at the top of the school and have the maturity to take on new challenges and become leaders and role models to our younger pupils. All while continuing to thrive in an environment that nurtures their adventurous spirit.

By the end of Years 7 and 8, our children are truly ready for senior school. And we credit this to the deep-rooted confidence they develop over these pivotal years.

Every day at Great Walstead instils a sense of adventure, determination, empathy and vibrancy in our children – and Years 7 and 8 are the perfect conclusion to this incredible journey.

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with our headteacher and explore the inspiring grounds and facilities.

Let’s keep the adventure going

Building dens, experimenting in science labs, and discovering passions are all part of the Year 7 & 8 experience at Great Walstead.

Through our unique Mud Pi philosophy, we celebrate childhood with adventure, exploration, and outdoor play, helping children build confidence and embrace new challenges.

Watch this video for a glimpse into the Year 7 & 8 journey!


Our Top 5 reasons to consider Years 7 & 8

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1. The chance to stay younger for longer

Our school community is a supportive and nurturing environment that allows children to mature at their own pace – retaining the innocence and carefree spirit of childhood for a little longer.

We see our students evolve and flourish in these final two years at Great Walstead. Where they can socially, mentally and academically prepare for senior school without any unnecessary pressure. Children leave us with bags full of knowledge, confidence and a strong sense of who they are.

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2. Personalised support for the transition to senior school

The stepping stone up to senior school can feel like quite a leap. By providing dedicated support – for both students and parents – we help make the application process much less daunting.

From guidance on selecting schools to bespoke interview preparation, we have years of experience and an outstanding track record in securing first-choice senior school places. Plus, strong relationships with leading senior schools means we can offer personalised advice to ensure a smooth transition to the next stage of your child's education.

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3. Rites of passage

At Great Walstead, we believe in creating a strong sense of belonging and tradition for our students. Years 7 and 8 are important milestones where students can participate in formative events, such as our renowned Q-Day celebrations and leavers' assemblies.

These rites of passage both celebrate and embed each student in Great Walstead’s strong community, marking their achievements successes before children strike out for their next adventure at senior school.

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4. A seamless through-school option

Our students are our school family. We build strong relationships between teachers, parents and peers, enabling a sense of security and belonging for every child on their learning adventure through Great Walstead.

This smooths any bumps in the road, making the transition from primary to secondary education incredibly easy. It’s an extremely supportive environment for students as they move up through the school.

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5. Empowering students to take on roles and responsibilities

By Years 7 and 8 our students are able (and encouraged) to take on leadership roles and responsibilities. This can involve becoming prefects, pupil counsels or sports captains.

These exciting opportunities allow students to develop valuable skills such as communication, teamwork and organisation. Buy embracing these responsibilities students boost their confidence and self-esteem while preparing for future academic and career success.

Any questions?

Watch these short FAQ videos to find the answers 

What's the advantage of the Y7&8 experience at Great Walstead?

Do you feel Great Walstead have prepared you for senior school?

What important skill have you developed in Y7&8 in preparation for Senior School?

What is your best memory of Y7&8?

Are you feeling confident about your move to Senior School?

Will you help me to find the right senior school for my child?

Which senior schools do the children go on to?

How do you support the children with pre-testing for senior school?

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Nobody knows Great Walstead like our headteacher. Book a personal tour with Chris Calvey, meet the staff and children and explore the inspiring grounds and facilities.


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